the future is green, or not at all
Jonathon Porritt
„We found the solution to reducing the CO2 emmissions of truck transportation by 90% and there- fore help solve the truck driver crisis.“
We offer you the solution! TODAY!
No time to waste! Many solutions are being developed for the CO2-free transport of goods, but none are immedia- tely available. The framework conditions that have now arisen require ready-to-use, reliable and efficient solutions.
Rent for your future
The patented r2L connector is produced by r2L and can be rented by logistics companies. You will be coached by r2L how to use the system best for your requirements. This concept secures your own infrastructure with the “tool“ r2L connector.
CO2 savings The currency of the future.
The r2L connector saves 1 T CO2 per 1000 km of road trans- port! “CO2 savings” is already being called the currency of the future. The EU Commission plans to extend CO2 com- pensation to the logistics sector by 2025. With r2L you are ready for this day.
The future is rail.
Demand for transport is growing, but so are its effects on our environment and the climate. The way Europe moves needs to change. With rail, it’s possible!
With rail, Eu- rope can move more, move freely, stimulate economic activity and still meet pressing climate objectives.“
Editoral of CER Community of European
railway and infrastructure companies.
European politics are stuck. On the one hand, the profit of the logistics industry as it is must be sustained, on the other hand we are aware, that because of the increase of the transport of goods and the impact on the environment the only chance to fulfill the Green Deal is to rise the share of rail transport up to 30% until 2030. Nevertheless, EU Commissioner Adina Valena has spoken out against a market intervention with an obligation for the cra- neability of semi-trailers. This presents many companies with almost insurmountable challenges.
The r2L connector is a smart tool and can answer to this problem. Every leader in the logistics industry has now a choice to combine economy with the protection of our environment.
A non-binding inquiery can be the way for your green future today.